One Voice Fire Relief

Helping workers who will lose their jobs due to the disastrous fires.


The fire relief fund provides temporary financial support to pay rent, food and other necessities as unemployed service workers regain employment.


  • They can register on our website.

    There they will be asked to demonstrate need in two ways: 

    1. PREFERRED: The service worker’s employer, who was impacted by the fire, can fill out the referral on the website to start the process. Or,

    2. The impacted service worker can self-refer on the website but must include their employer’s contact information. 

  • One Voice can help with food, utilities and rent on a one-time emergency basis. No monies will go to service workers. Instead, all payments will be made directly to landlords, utility companies, etc. Food assistance will be distributed in the form of a Ralph’s or Target gift card.

  • We will be accepting referrals from employers and from employees. The referrals will provide information we will use to confirm their status as victims of the fires. We will then evaluate the need as we have done for over 40 years through our Family Assistance Program.

  • We will help as many people as our funds allow as quickly as possible.

    DONATE to the Fire Relief Fund or give gift cards.

    You can help us raise funds by creating your own Fire Relief donation page here

  • Fill out this form to list employment opportunities that we can share with affected service workers looking for jobs.